At Bradford Hill we work to find the best treatment for different types of cancer.

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What do we do?

We are a therapeutic opportunity for those who qualify for a clinical trial.

Clinical trials are a tool for determining whether a new medicine is effective and safe. When the results are favorable, thousands of people around the world benefit from a new treatment.

We provide a therapeutic opportunity to those who qualify for a clinical trial.

We offer integral treatment for different types of cancer.

Clinical trials are voluntary, free, and essential to find a cure for cancer.

Active Clinical Trials

Our studies are world-class multicenter scientific investigations that define new therapies and approach protocols, especially in immunotherapy.

About Us

For over 15 years, we have been leaders in clinical cancer research in Chile, contributing in this way to the tireless search for a definitive cure for cancer. We form a team of specialists and highly qualified research personnel, providing free care to patients from all over Chile in our centers in Santiago and Antofagasta. We have state-of-the-art infrastructure, technology, and clinical equipment that supports our rigorous clinical protocols.

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Ethics Committee

Our Committee aims to protect the rights, safety, and well-being of those participating in investigations, respecting their dignity and physical and mental integrity.


Colorectal Cancer: the molecular classification of patients that allows for targeted treatments

Portal Prensa Salud

Colorectal cancer is linked to the excessive consumption of red meat, ultra-processed foods, high rates of obesity and a sedentary lifestyle, among other factors that would underlie the rise of this digestive-type disease that has even surpassed the rates of lung cancer, which continues being the first cause of death from cancer in our country. Currently, colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death in the country. A situation that could change if these new cases were diagnosed and treated in time. This is highlighted by Dr. Jaime González, medical supervisor at the Bradford Hill Clinical Research Center, “in these types of diseases, the development of new treatments and therapies that help patients improve their quality of life is crucial.”

“They have responded encouragingly”: Chilean doctors lead study of innovative therapy to treat colon cancer

La Tercera

The ESMO TAT Congress, held in Paris, was the setting for presenting the latest scientific advances in oncology, primarily focused on early phase (phase 1) clinical studies. In this context, Chilean oncologist Carlos Rojas, director of the Bradford Hill Clinical Research Center, presented a multicenter phase 1 study that promises to open new perspectives in cancer treatment. Specifically, through a therapy directed against the KRAS G12C mutation, a genetic alteration present in up to 1 in 4 cancer patients, particularly in lung and colon tumors.

Cancer Research Center inaugurates its Antofagasta Branch

Diarios en Red

Worrying cancer mortality figures in the Antofagasta Region in recent years have prompted a group of oncologists to open the first clinical research center in the north of the country. Bradford Hill North will engage in multinational clinical studies on the types of cancer with the highest incidence in the region.